=============================== Day 13: Tuesday, Feb 18th, 2014 =============================== 1. Fill out: `quizlet on testing `__ 2. Homework will be posted tonight, due Thursday. If people want an extension, let me know. 2. A brief intro to Python modules. 3. An actual WSGI application. 4. Individual homework questions? An actual WSGI application ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Activate your virtualenv, or create/recreate it (see :doc:`virtualenv`). then, install `Quixote `__ into your virtualenv:: pip install http://quixote.ca/releases/Quixote-2.8.tar.gz and, finally, try running one of the Quixote demo applications in your own WSGI server; see https://github.com/ctb/cse491-serverz/blob/hw5-wsgi/run-qx.py for code to create the WSGI app. As an example, I've adapted `eunbong's server code `__ to run the Quixote app. See `the commit and diff `__ for details on what I did -- it didn't take much. .. fizbuz .. wsgi/cgi/translation? or next tues? .. - stash .. - status and diff .. mocking. .. Refactoring- .. Video .. Debugging; point of test is that you control everything, .. 2. A simple WSGI application & some server tests. .. secret via e-mail .. stubbing/mocking .. refactoring .. python modules .. exercises on adding and pushing and clean checkout - FIXME stuff.