================================ Day 18: Thursday, Mar 13th, 2014 ================================ 0. Read `the wikipedia entry on Technical Debt `__. Ancillary readings: http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TechnicalDebt.html http://blog.codinghorror.com/paying-down-your-technical-debt/ http://www.construx.com/10x_Software_Development/Technical_Debt/ 1. `Quizlet `__. Please fill this out even if you haven't done the reading. 2. Discussion of technical debt. 3. `Query diagrams intro. `__. 4. Make query diagrams for three queries on the 'run-imageapp.py' server in my repo, under branch day18; specifically, '/image', '/upload', and '/upload2'. Include the process of actually uploading a file via /upload2. (note the 'imageapp' directory contains two png files that you can upload). Note: you can do a clean checkout into the directory 'day18' by doing:: git clone https://github.com/ctb/cse491-serverz.git day18 -b day18 and run it with 'run-imageapp.py'. Also note: these are example solutions for the JavaScript stuff in :doc:`day16`. In class, draw three diagrams on a piece of paper or with a graphics program, put your NetID on the top of one page, and hand them in via e-mail or (*gasp*) by hand. Feel free to work in groups of 2-3; just include all y'all's NetID. Last note - you can track requests by looking at your running imageapp server output. (Ignore the favicon.ico request.) 5. Brief going over of :doc:`hw8`.