=============================== Day 25: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 =============================== 0. Read https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/ssl/ssl_intro.html and http://blog.hartleybrody.com/https-certificates/ 1. `Fill out the quiz `__ 2. Discussion. 3. Git exercises from :doc:`day24`. 4. Other stuff SQL loading & Python modules. 1. See setup() in imageapp/__init__.py `(link) `__; this contains stuff that you only run once an app. It's in a function so you can choose to run it or not to run it (e.g. for tests) 2. See imageapp/image.py `(link) `__. The 'images = {}' will be run on import, no matter what you do. There's no way to disable it, in particular. tl;dr? Almost always put code in a function. Q: where should you put database creation/data model definition code? (See sqlite/create.py `(link on day23 branch) `__ More git reading: http://who-t.blogspot.com/2014/03/using-git-next-level.html A quest for understanding Web stuff: http://jakearchibald.github.io/request-quest/ .. Check everything out. Can you run it? .. Web testing/selenium. .. Parallel foo.