========== Homework 7 ========== Due by noon on Thursday, Feb 27th. 0. Merge hw6 into your master. Please don't delete the 'hw6' branch. Hand in this homework on branch 'hw7' on your github account, and set up a pull request between hw7 and your master branch. Don't merge it, just set up the PR. 1. Add cookie header handling into your WSGI server, and test it by making sure that the login link in ``quixote.demo.altdemo`` works. See https://github.com/ctb/cse491-serverz/blob/hw5-wsgi/run-qx.py for demo code that shows how to run altdemo; this code uses the WSGI reference server, but your HW 7.1 should use your own WSGI server. 2. Merge in or copy 'run-imageapp' and the 'imageapp/' directory hierarchy from my hw7-imageapp branch (see https://github.com/ctb/cse491-serverz/tree/hw7-imageapp). As with HW 7.1, the 'run-imageapp' code uses the WSGI reference server, and you should make sure that 'imageapp' runs in your own WSGI server. 3. Modify the imageapp to display the latest image on the front (index) page, not just the '/image' page. 4. Do a clean checkout of your repo and make sure that all the tests pass and that all your hw7 functionality works on the clean checkout. 5. Have a good break! There will be no HW over the break.