JavaScript and JQuery

JavaScript (/ECMAScript):

JavaScript is an in-browser programming language designed to provide customization of interactive behavior and reduce real or apparent user-interface latency (e.g. avoid up-front server round trips – see AJAX, below).

JQuery examples

Since JavaScript is one of the worst possible languages actually in wide use (it’s needlessly inconsistent and largely incoherent) a number of frameworks have popped into existence to help programmers actually make effective use of it.

JQuery ( is one such framework; it’s relatively small, fast, and concise.

JQuery uses two nice basic concepts: selectors, and chaining. Selectors let you pick out sets or subsets of elements based on CSS-style patterns:

Chaining lets you apply multiple functions in sequence without respecifying which elements you want to modify:

You can specify all sorts of fun tricks:

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