Day 20: Thursday, Mar 20th, 2014ΒΆ

  1. Read What is Web 2.0? and, if you feel like it, the Wikipedia page on Web 2.0.

  2. Quiz. (May need to log out of your regular account & log into your account.)

  3. Discussion

  4. “AJAX”

    Why AJAX vs simply loading the page?

    Note: no content push options in HTTP!

    Various reasons for using AJAX:

    • Partial load of data.
    • More interactivity.
    • Less page rendering all at once on the client.
  5. Quote app query diagram. (See Day 19: Tuesday, Mar 18th, 2014.)

  6. Write a query diagram for the chat app.

    To get the chats app, do a clean checkout of my serverz repo into the directory ‘day20’ by doing:

    git clone day20 -b day20

    and then:

    cd day20/chat/
    python2.7 chat-server <port number>

    You probably won’t need to be in an activate virtualenv to do this.

    Finally, go to:<port number>/

    and enter a few messages.

    Draw two query diagrams, the first for what happens when you submit a message and see it in your own browser chat window, and the second for what happens when someone else submits a message and you see it in your chat window.

    Then, write your NetID on the piece of paper and put ‘em in a stack on Table 4.

Part of your HW will be to implement the chat and quotes apps in your own, i.e. as WSGI apps. Feel free to get started with that AFTER you do the query diagrams.

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Day 19: Tuesday, Mar 18th, 2014

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