Day 6: Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

  1. Read: You might also like BOFH.
  2. Quiz and discussion.
  3. Presentation: HTTP, HTML, and links; ~/web/ on arctic. Presentation link
  4. Presentation: git and merging.
  5. Options for today!
    1. Fix/ask for help with your hw2/pull request. (Ask your neighbor(s) first; then ask Titus.)
    2. Code review! (See below.)
    3. Play with (static) HTML on arctic.
    4. Work through github tutorials: and

Code review HOWTO v2

  1. Pick a name from the list of repositories below; go to the repository.
  2. See if they have a pull request. If they do, go to step 5.
  3. If they don’t have a pull request, see if they have a hw2 branch. If they do, set up a pull request for them :)
  4. If they don’t have a hw2 branch, go to step 1.
  5. Clone their repository (git clone and then do a ‘git checkout hw2’.
  6. Perform your code review; place comments on the lines of code in the pull request.
  7. Once done, go back and look at someone else’s code, or do something else. (If you have questions on your code review, please feel free to e-mail me:

What to look at in code review

Basic rules:

  1. Does it run.
  2. Do tests pass.
  3. Spaces rather than tabs.
  4. Spaces after #.
  5. Properly spelled variable names .
  6. Try writing tests to break something. For example, do you believe their POST logic?
  7. 80 character line lengths.
  8. Test with multiple browsers.

Play with static HTML on arctic

Reminder: HTML reference – see through #4, linking pages.

On arctic, do:

mkdir ~/web/
mkdir ~/web/day6

echo "<a href='hello.html'>Hello, world</a>" > ~/web/day6/index.html
echo "Hello, world. <a href='./'>Go back</a>" > ~/web/day6/hello.html

chmod -R a+rx ~/web/

Now, in a Web browser, go to:

(make sure you have the ‘~’ in there.)

This is how you create static pages on arctic. It is also a simple way to play with HTML to make sure that your basic HTML works right.


  • create an absolute link to somewhere else on the index.html page
  • create an absolute internal link to another page on CSE
  • create a relative link to another page within your repository or elsewhere on CSE.

List of repositories

massiek: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

eunbong: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

matheusldaraujo: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

ConnorAvery: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

jprickles: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

jkteuber: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

beckhamer: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

john3209: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

mill1256: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

YourBestFriend: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

hoffm386: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

joshshadik: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

msweet18: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

juru13: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

mcdonaldca: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

filajust: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

leflerja: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

FireSBurnsmuP: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

koppmana: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

Karmeow: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

curljosh: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

yispencer: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

glisto18: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

mannin92: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

westjour: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

jbull477: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

fakestuff: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

msu-web-dev: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

MaxwellGBrown: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

xavierdhjr: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

ettemaet: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

lieblic2: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

bjurgess1: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

suhkang: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

jonest31: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

tsloncz: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

zhopping: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

MattyAyOh: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

o2themar: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

phammin1: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

Badsauce: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

DuncanCYoung: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

cameronkeif: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

majeedus: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

polavar3: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

brtaylor92: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

labrenzm: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

QSSS: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

sarteleb: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

JRucinski: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

fenderic: github site - pulls - branches - repo URL for cloning

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Day 5: Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

This Page

Edit this document!

This file can be edited directly through the Web. Anyone can update and fix errors in this document with few clicks -- no downloads needed.

  1. Go to Day 6: Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 on GitHub.
  2. Edit files using GitHub's text editor in your web browser (see the 'Edit' tab on the top right of the file)
  3. Fill in the Commit message text box at the bottom of the page describing why you made the changes. Press the Propose file change button next to it when done.
  4. Then click Send a pull request.
  5. Your changes are now queued for review under the project's Pull requests tab on GitHub!

For an introduction to the documentation format please see the reST primer.