Day 23 - Th, April 18, 2013 =========================== Schedule: * Minute cards. * AJAX and JSON-RPC * More database: joins, transactions, multithreading, synch, etc. Questions/TODO -------------- (This is an example of using the `jQuery JavaScript library `__ with `AJAX `__ and `JSON-RPC `__) Grab the latest version of; for example, on the CSE cluster, you could do:: mkdir day23 cd day23 python2.7 -m virtualenv env source env/bin/activate.csh pip install simplejson to get the environment running, and then :: git clone cd cse491-webz python Now, go to the URL of the Web server, and take a look at the '/content' URL, which is loading from 'somefile.html'. (You can look at the `source of 'somefile.html' on github `__, if you want.) On the '/content' page, you'll see three input box regions The value in the first is set dynamically by JavaScript using the jQuery library. The value in the second is output in an alert box upon change. The two values in the third are summed and displayed on the page. TODO: 1. At your table, talk through the code for the first and second input boxes. What's going on? (One thing you can do to find out is edit the HTML to remove the first