Homework #1

Due January 24th at 11:59pm. If you work in a group, please work in a group distinct from those you work with in the class.

  1. Fork my cse491-numberz repository into your own github account, and clone it into your account. Base the homework off of this.

  2. Look at my implementation of Eratosthenes’ Sieve, sieve-fn.py, and implement this in module, iterator, and generator form (as you saw above with series_mod, series_iter, and series_gen, etc.). Add, commit, and push back to your github repository.

    Use the same naming conventions for your implementation as we did for ‘series’ and ‘fib’ so we know where to look for your solutions.

    Hint: if it is not viewable through the github Web interface, you did not successfully add/commit/push!

    Warning: code with syntax errors => 0 points.

    Collect bad and/or buggy examples of code and submit them at the end (see form in #5, below).

  3. Write at least six tests (three each) as in iter_bug/test.py for your iterator and generator implementations of the Sieve, and then add/commit/push them to your github repo. These should be individual scripts named ‘test1.py’ etc. that are standalone, can be executed by the command line, and test something about your implementation in ‘sieve.py’. The tests can be similar (or even the same) for iterator and generators, but should be checked into each directory.

  4. Hand in your homework by filling in this form:


    You can fill it in at any time, but I can’t grade your homework if I don’t have this information :)

  5. Enter a pull request from your homework in your cse491-numberz to mine.

  6. Please fill out this form, too:


(Note, the last question was added late. So if you’ve already done the homework, don’t worry about filling it in.)

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