Homework #3

Due Feb 20th at 11:59pm.

See Day 10 – Th, Feb 7th, 2013 for HW 3.1, and Day 12 – Th, Feb 14th, 2013 for HW 3.3 and 3.4. Also see Day 11 – Tu, Feb 12th, 2013 for collaboration instructions.

  1. In your latest cse491-drinkz, reimplement the data structures to be more efficient than lists.

    Specifically, reimplement _bottle_types_db as a Python ‘set’ containing tuples of (mfg, liquor, typ); and reimplement _inventory_db as a dictionary, keyed by tuples of (mfg, liquor) with the value in the dictionary being the total quantity.

    Note, the function calls in db.py should not change at all, and all of the tests should still pass without any change.

    For reference, you might check out the answers to the day 10 exercises here:

    (15/100 points)

  2. I’ve provided a bunch of tests for cse491-drinkz on the branch ‘hw3-tests’ on the ctb github repository,

    They are all in the file ‘drinkz/tests_by_ctb.py’, with some test data. Please merge this commit into your master branch, and fix your code so that all of the tests pass. Note that you should, in general, avoid changing the test code – the tests should be correct ;).

    Note, you can run just the tests in that file by typing:

    nosetests drinkz/tests_by_ctb.py

    A few pointers –

    • change db.get_liquor_amount() to return floating point values indicating ml. (Yes, you’ll need to change your own tests in test_drinkz.)
    • make sure ‘bin/load-liquor-inventory’ is the name of the bulk loading script, and that it takes two parameters: a list of bottle types, and a list of bottle amounts.

    (15/100 points)

  3. Implement the first part of recipes, as in Story: Recipes, round 1.

    1. Make a new file ‘recipes.py’ that can be imported as ‘drinkz.recipes’, and that defines a class ‘Recipe’.

      The constructor for Recipe should take a name (a string) and a list of ingredient 2-tuples, (liquor type, amount). For example,

      Recipe('vodka martini', [('vodka', '6 oz'), ('vermouth', '1 oz')])

      should create a recipe object for, well, you know!

    2. Define three new functions in db.py, ‘add_recipe(r)’, ‘get_recipe(name)’, and ‘get_all_recipes()’. Decide if you should use a list, a dictionary, or a set to store ‘em; implement it that way; and justify your decision in correctly-spelled and mostly grammatical English in the docstring (the “”“information”“” at the top of the file) in db.py.

      Hint: don’t use a list, Michelle!

    3. Define a method on the Recipe class, ‘r.need_ingredients()’, that returns a list of what is missing in order to make this recipe. The list of what is missing should be a list of 2-tuples, [(‘vodka’, amount_in_ml), ...]; if it’s empty, that means that you have everything you need.

      See the tests in ‘drinkz/test_recipes.py’ on branch ‘hw3-recipe-tests’ for a few useful details.

    Please be sure to merge ctb branch ‘hw3-recipe-tests’ and check that all of your tests pass.

    Strong suggestion – make a new function, say, ‘convert_to_ml’, that takes a string amount and converts it to ml; then factor out common functionality in db.py and recipes.py. Extra kudos for writing tests just for that function, ‘cause you know you should.

    Another strong suggestion – write a new function in db.py, say, ‘check_inventory_for_type’, that checks to see if you have a generic type (like ‘blended scotch’) and if so returns a list or set of mfg/liquor tuples. You’ll find it handy for (c).

    (50/100 points)

  4. Write an HTML output script named ‘make-html.py’ in the top-level directory (above ‘drinkz’ and ‘bin’).

    This script should create a directory ‘html’, and four files within it: ‘index.html’, ‘recipes.html’, ‘inventory.html’, and ‘liquor_types.html’. They should be created by the script from the information in your database using the db.py functions!

    The index file should link to the other three files.

    The liquor_types file should contain a list, in whatever form you want (ul, ol, table, etc.), of all of the liquor types in your database.

    The inventory file should contain a list of all of the liquor amounts in your database.

    The recipes file should contain a list of all of the recipes by name, with an entry next to each recipe that indicates whether or not you have all of the ingredients for that recipe (just a “yes” or a “no” (or a “heck yeah”, Wes) is fine).

    Each of the files should link to the other three files with an a href tag, i.e. a clickable link.

    Be sure to populate your database with at least two examples of recipes, liquor types, and liquor inventory, and make sure that your output . Check out test_recipes for inspiration – you can just copy the data in their for your examples.

    Finally, make the output HTML files available in a directory on the CSE cluster under your account, as in Day 12 – Th, Feb 14th, 2013.

    (20/100 points)

  5. Finish up the HW, and tag it as ‘hw3’ by doing

    git tag hw3
    git push origin hw3:hw3

    Then fill out this form.

    (As usual, make sure all of your tests pass.)

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