Homework #6 - the last one!

Due Wed, May 1st, at midnight. Office hours on Tuesday Apr 23rd, but then I’m out of town on Apr 30th; arrange something with Cait if you want help.

  1. See point 0 in Homework #5, but fill out this form instead.
  2. Implement a WSGI server that speaks POST well enough to handle a JSON-RPC request. Test it on your live Web app. (20/100)
  3. Implement your feature from HW #5.2. Give me documentation, somewhere, on what it does and how – hey, maybe it can be on a Web page! (20/100)
  4. Change db.py to use SQLite to save/load everything. (20/100)
  5. Modify HW 4.2(c) with AJAX/JSON-RPC instead of an HTML form submit. (20/100)
  6. Implement logging in with cookies. (20/100)

Hand in by tagging as hw6.

Honors option

Complete 4 or more points below. (sum score >= 4.0)

  1. Install a NoSQL database and provide a branch on github where you use that instead of SQLite for back-end storage. E-mail me the branch info. (1 point)
  2. Get your code running on a public Web site (virtual machine/rented host). E-mail me the URL and keep it running for 24 hours. (2 points)
  1. Get your tests and code running on ShiningPanda continuous integration. E-mail me the URL for a public view of the passing tests. (2 points)
  1. Implement Selenium/SauceLabs testing of the AJAX feature (#6.4) above. E-mail me a video. (3 points)
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