Day 16 - Tu, Mar 19th, 2013

In class

Work on the in-class exercises from Day 15 - Tu, Mar 12th, 2013, or work on the following –


Set up your virtualenv and install simplejson:

%% source env491/bin/activate.csh
%% pip install simplejson

Next, update your existing cse491-webz directory, or clone a new one (c.f.

Open up two login windows to CSE.

In one, run ‘’:

%% source ~/env491/bin/activate.csh
%% python

In the other, run the ‘’ file with the URL of your server:

%% python

but replacing the last URL with your actual URL.

What is going on here??

Note, you can do this FROM anywhere to the CSE server... including your laptop, if you install simplejson there.


  1. In the ‘dispatch’ machinery in, why are the values also strings? Couldn’t I just have used functions directly?

  2. Why does the start_response make a copy of html_headers, e.g. why ‘list()’?

    start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers))
  3. What URL on the server is called for the ‘hello’ function?

  4. What server-side function is called when the JSON-RPC client asks for ‘hello’? More generally, how does the JSON-RPC server-side machinery know what function to call?

  5. What is the JSON format, and why do we need to use it?

Minute Cards

In the last 5 minutes of class, please fill out this minute card survey.

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