Day 17 - Th, Mar 21st, 2013


Testing WSGI and Web apps, round 1

Update your cse491-webz branch with the latest master from, and run the tests in test_app using nose:

%% nosetests

Now go look at ‘’ –

  1. What is the call order of functions to get down to the ‘index’ function in in test_index()?
  2. What is the call order of functions to get down to the ‘recv’ function in in test_recv()?
  3. Why is the ‘/form’ function not called in the tests at all?
  4. Try refactoring so that common code in test_index and test_form_recv is in one function that is then called in those two test functions.

Slightly more advanced magic

Look at the ‘magic’ branch on, especially the calls under __main__:

This is an attempt to clean up the equivalent calls from the main branch:

How does this work??

More specifically,

  1. What is the chain of function calls that leads to and from ‘call_remote’ on the magic branch when you ask for ‘magic.hello()’ the first time? And the second time?
  2. What does JSON_RPC_Magic do, and why is it separate from or different from MagicFunction?

Minute Cards

In the last 5 minutes of class, please fill out this minute card survey.

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